Getting Started

I realized as I went into elaborate detail on how to shop at Giant Eagle, that I didn't cover a few basic things!

Where do I get all of these coupons?

  • Ask friends, family, and coworkers. Chances are, if they aren't using them, they are throwing them away.
  • Purchase the Sunday paper. Three or four Sunday papers may run you $6-10, but it will go a long way as far as savings! It is helpful when a great deal comes around to have 3 or 4 of the same coupon.
  • Print! It takes time and money to print coupons, but at the end of the month, many of them go away, and new ones appear. In an effort not to waste paper, I only print coupons I think I'll use, or that are of a great value. In my opinion, coupons for less than but very close to $1 are great - because they will double. These coupons also have a 2 "like" coupon limit when printing them. Here's where you can find printable coupons:
  • Brand Facebook Pages. Usually by 'liking' a brand on Facebook, you will come across coupons. Half the time I don't 'like' a brand until I see that there's a coupon available for it, but it's still a great place to snag some more coupons.
  • Purchasing Coupons Online. As I mentioned in my Giant Eagle post, there are places you can purchase clipped coupons or inserts online. These are great for sales and when you find a coupon for a product you buy all the time, such as diapers. Here are my favorite coupon clipping services:


Couponing is a work in progress. You won't have a coupon for everything right away, but you can at least start gathering them. Start small! You will get there eventually.

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